When eating out, usually on fastfood chains, people always ask you whether you want to upgrade your meal and stuff. Since when did ordering for a quick meal this complicated?! "Sir,would you like to upgrade your fries?... How about your drink? Would you like to add pie with your meal, sir? If you get a pie, we'll throw in a free newspaper! (?!)" Well, life now, is full of upgrades, I just wish people could get upgraded as easy as that.
Speaking of upgrades...
Well, after promising myself not to buy a new tv set, I still did. I gave my parents my old 21" JVC set and got a huge 25" Sony Vega! And I couldn't be happier with my entertainment setup, right now... well, a good Home Theater in a Box sure won't hurt. But right now, I'm pretty much satisfied with everything. Heh! Truth is... I'm a bit of an obssessive-compulsive guy and what drove me to buy a Sony is the sight of having just one brand of appliances. I have a Sony DVD player and a Sony PS2... Hehehe! Crazy!
One thing these things can't do is feed me... I'm starving! I gotta get something to eat so I'll end this blog.
Speaking of upgrades...
Well, after promising myself not to buy a new tv set, I still did. I gave my parents my old 21" JVC set and got a huge 25" Sony Vega! And I couldn't be happier with my entertainment setup, right now... well, a good Home Theater in a Box sure won't hurt. But right now, I'm pretty much satisfied with everything. Heh! Truth is... I'm a bit of an obssessive-compulsive guy and what drove me to buy a Sony is the sight of having just one brand of appliances. I have a Sony DVD player and a Sony PS2... Hehehe! Crazy!
One thing these things can't do is feed me... I'm starving! I gotta get something to eat so I'll end this blog.
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